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Milk Carton

Posted by: tz8cy5 <tz8cy5@...>

Is your face on a milk carton??? This is not just your simple run of the
mill question anymore! Read on and find out why.....

We put faces of missing/lost children on milk cartons with a description of
the lost person and last known whereabouts. Well, I propose to you my
friends that God has his angels in heaven doing the same thing right now.
Come on you say, give me a break, those angels have more important
things to do up there. Just bear with me and maybe you will see why I think
it is entirely possible.

Lets start with the very first milk Genesis chapter 3 v. 9 we
see that Adam and Eve are lost.. God calls out to the man "Where are you?"
He had the angels print up the very first milk carton then. The good news
is that God found the lost/missing children and he keeps a running tally
kind of like "americas most wanted" of how many have been found to date. God
is in the business of finding and rescuing those who are lost. He is
devastated because we became lost way back with the first milk carton and
has been trying to find all those who are lost ever since.

Your face either is on a milk carton right now or is on that running tally,
lets call it the Lambs book of life. Just like with the milk carton time is
of the essence and The Creator of the Universe and all in it needs your
help. He needs you to talk to people and find out if there picture is on a
milk carton in heaven. "How do I do that?" you ask, Well there are
several different ways:

1) Ask them if their picture is on a milk carton...good conversation
starter, wouldn't you agree?
2) Ask them if their name is on the list of lost/missing persons that have
been found.
3) Ask them is they know how to get their picture off the milk carton and
onto the running list.

Just a few suggestions to get the conversation started. Trust in the Lord
with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways
acknowledge Him and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6. You are
working for God and he will direct your thoughts, words and actions.
Remember, he wants to find those missing children.

Finally, what to do if someone does have their face on a milk carton and
wants it removed...Sadly, not everyone wants to be found (just pray for
them). There is a simple process ANYONE can go through to be found....
1) Admit they are a sinner and far from God just like Adam. 1Jn 1:8.
2) Believe in Jesus. God has provided the means to be found through His
Son. Jn 3:16
3) Confess and forsake sin. God is faithful to move our name to the Lambs
Book of Life. 1Jn 1:9

Not difficult at all, the sponsor has already paid to have the milk cartons
made and destroyed when the name is on the list, so all we have to do is the