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Mind Control and High-Tech Harassment

Posted by: von_kidd <von_kidd@...>

Dear Sirs,

Please forgive me if this post is a bit off topic. It deals with technology which actually exists, and has implications for any free society.
There have been books written which give a fictional scenario for life after the rapture. This technology could give some ideas for other such scenarios.
I feel that "the mark" is a computerized I.D., through which all of an individual's personal records, history, and every aspect of his life will be tied into a global cashless society. Anyone who has taken the mark and steps out of line could have his mark temporarily deactivated, thus freezing him out of society, until he is broken and "re-educated".
Control over society could be through a parlimentary system, beginning at the top levels down into the level of neighborhood communities, each with their own neighborhood "parliments". This technology or something like it could be used by neighborhood leaders to monitor their own neighborhood communities.
Government approved churches would preach a watered down ecumenical "Christianity" [politically correct], and would need to be registered with the World Council of Churches. They could not preach individual human rights [politically incorrect], or that the human rights of the individual are what all law and morality is based on, as per the Ten Commandments. This is one possible scenario for end time society.
I personally don't believe in a pre-trib rapture. That doctrine was brought to the U.S. from England in the 1800's by a preacher named Francis Darby. The early church did not teach an escapist doctrine, and neither did Jesus.
In ancient times, when a king would travel to visit one of the cities within his kingdom, the population of that city would come out to meet their king as he approached on the road. They would escourt him and his entourage into their city. Thessalonians says we shall be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air [not heaven] at His return. This escapist doctrine could be the cause of the great falling away.

Mind Control Technology and High-Tech Harassment.

My purpose in writing this is to inform the general public about the U.S. government conducting involuntary human experimentation on private citizens,
with "non lethal" microwave and electromagnetic weapons.
The patent that most closely fits the present "mind control" technology is patent #3951134, titled, "APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR REMOTELY MONITORING AND ALTERING BRAIN WAVES." This is essentially a psychotropic system, and it could have some benevolent uses. You can look it up by patent number on the government's website for the Patent and Trademark Office, The other technologies sometimes used with it are some of the "non lethal" weapons originally designed for the military and
police. On the USPTO's home page, scroll down to the bar at bottom of the page, and click "search". On the next page click "Patent Full Text Database with Full Page Images". On the next page, in the left hand column under "Full Text Database", click "Patent Number Search". On the next page, type the patent number into the query box.
Apparently the government also works through neighborhood activists, from any one of the growing number of neighborhood associations in the U.S. The government on all levels will work with and look the other way for them. I went through every back issue of the newsletter for the neighborhood association in my community, back to when it was formed in 1989. I learned a few things about neighborhood associations in general. Not every city in the U.S. has neighborhood associations, and within those that do, not every neighborhood community has one. Within a neighborhood association are block watches, homeowner's associations, etc. Typically across the country, a neighborhood association's membership is about 1% of the population of the neighborhood community that it supposedly represents. They hold an annual conference called "Neighborhoods U.S.A." in a different city each year.
From my personal experience and what the perps have bragged about to me, and from information posted on the internet, the different neighborhood associations within a city all have a pact. If one neihborhood association blacklists someone in the name of "neighborhood integrity" for even the pettiest of excuses, the others will follow suit. This person could also get singled out for high-tech harassment. These people will even single out children! The harassment is intended to be covert and anonymous, leaving the victim with virtually no evidence, and the perps with vitally needed plausable deniability. Included in this pact are employers, churches, and homeless shelters. The major mass media outlets, A.C.L.U. and Amnesty International will also look the other way. Members of this pact have a "code of silence". Those who are not part of this pact can be intimidated by the government into cooperating and keeping quiet.
The goal of "Harassment by Remote Control" is to keep the victim under constant pressure and confused, in order to cause him to begin to slowly destroy his own life- his marriage, work and personal relationships, reputation, resulting in increased isolation,and to slowly drain him financially until he's lost everything. The government on all levels will also block him from being able to do anything about it. The perps will push and provoke their victim in an attempt to cause him to blow up and get violent, so that they can get him locked up. These neighborhood activists consider society in general to be "human cattle". Another trick they use at the same time is to
attempt to cause their victim to believe that he is slowly going crazy, and get him to seek professional help through an institution, or a psycologist or
psychiatrist. If the professional in question is cooperating with the government, they will work to make him progressively worse and eventually have him admitted. The last thing the perps want is to go through the legal trial necessary to have him formally certified and committed. They don't want to risk the loss of their plausable deniability if their victim should talk about an organized and anonymous harassment campaign during his trial, especially if he can provide documentation for the psychotropic system's existence. The same goes for a criminal trial for a victim who was driven to the point of exploding in violence. This is the perps greatest fear, that their victim will catch on that it is an organized, anonymous campaign of "Harassment by Remote Control" and begin talking about it, especially during his trial. This is why the prps also want to gain psychological control over their victim. At least some of the people who have attempted to escape the harassment by relocating have been followed across the country by the perps, who continued with the harassment. I have experienced this myself.
The perps will commit psychological violence, but stop just short of committing acts of physical violence. They want you to live in fear of them, but do not want to do anything that will give you any physical evidence or allow you to identify them. The perps will commit anonymous acts of vandalism and theft, for the financial drain. I've found that saving the receipts for evidence each time I had to repair or replace something cut down on these incidents dramatically. The perps have an absolutely vital need for plausable deniability. In my case, I have not experienced the use of any of the "non lethal" weapons against me.
The perps greatest weapons are not their technology, but their use of PSYCOLOGY combined with the use of their technology. Even the "non lethal" weapons are used for the psychological effect.
There may be some deliberate disinformation about the psychotropic system on the internet, and at least some confusion, but the psychotropic system in its present form is very compact and very portable. It has a range of roughly 2 to 3 miles. The range of the "non lethal" weapons could be much shorter. There are also some perps out there who pose as victims on the internet.
These are five of the better websites I've found on this harassment to date.
1]"Citizens Against Human Experimentation" Scroll down to "Reports of Current Experimentation with Microwave and E.M. Weapons". The
report here on the Air Force's "non lethal" weapons is missing, but it's still a good site. The psychotropic system is the same kind of technology used to demoralize Iraqui troops during the Gulf War. The Discovery Channel or Learning Channel also made a brief mention during one program about the government having the technology to demoralize enemy troops. This means it can also be used to effect masses of people simultaneously.
2]"Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation" Part 1 gives a brief history of mind control. Part 2 outlines what I call the "game plan" followed by the perps. It fits my own story to a "T" with minor exeptions. "The plan" appears to be universal.
3]"America's Secret Police" This gives information on the neighborhood community leaders/activists and "Harassment by Remote Control". It also gives some information on the "non lethal" weapons.
> 4]"Patents for Electromagnetics and Biomanipulation" This is a list of patents relevant to the psychotropic system and includes the patent numbers. You can point and
> click for a brief description of each one, or look them up by patent number on the government's website for the Patent and Trademark Office. First on this list is the patent for the original form of the psychotropic system, from 1976. It uses radio waves, and on the government's website, the second to last paragraph of the full text reads in part, "...Appropiate demodulators may be used to decipher the subject's brain activity and select components of his brain waves may be analyzed by computer to determine his mental state and monitor his thought processes." Meaning that the government has the technology to read your mind.
The perps hide their signal by "snuggling" it next to the audio portion of a commercial TV channel. The normal buzzing noise generated by the TV signal often hides theirs.
> Third on this list is a patent for a hearing device for DEAF people. It also uses radio waves. This patent gives you an idea of how the perps can transmit their voices and other sounds to you, with your brain itself acting as the receiver. I have not found any information yet on how the perps can home in on one individual's specific brain wave pattern. [If that information is classified it would not be in the patent record. You can do a patent search on the government's website, called a "boolian" search. It works the same as a search engine in that you type in the words to search under, except you get patents instead of websites.] A person's brainwave pattern is a bioidentifier, like fingerprints or a retina scan. One individual in a crowd can be affected without affecting anyone around him, or the whole crowd can be affected. I don't know yet whether the psychotropic system can produce visual hallucinations, but I doubt that it can. As for voices, you know you're not
dealing with mental illness when you can distinguish between individuals, and carry on an intelligent, two-way conversation with the perps, [either verbally or mentally] just like talking to someone face-to-face. Because we think primarily in terms of ideas instead of language, the perps don't always interpret thoughts correctly.
The perps also like to tailor their attacks from your thoughts. You learn not to take yourself too seriously, because you're an imperfect human being
with all the faults, shortcomings and weaknesses common to the entire human race. The perps are no exception. Their job is to keep your focus on yourself, instead of on them and their blatant hypocracy and amoral philosophy. That way they can accuse, criticize and ridicule every tiny thing about you. Their purpose is to break you down and destroy you completely, and they use psycology as a weapon to do it. The perps are occasionally coached by someone in this as they go along. The psychotropic system also has subliminal suggestion capability. This is used together with its capaility to alter your emotions [by altering select components of your brain waves] to enhance their psychological attacks. This is high tech psychological warfare.
5]"Index to articles" Scroll down to
"Technology". This is a list of unclassified, commercially available [for the wealthy or for cities] technology that can duplicate one or more of the effects of mind control harassment.
You can also use one of the meta-search engines like to look up mind control harassment. Type into the query box, "mind control harassment". Putting it in quotes makes the search engine look for it as one phrase, resulting in fewer hits and a more efficient search.

Feel free to distribute this information to others who are pro-freedom!


Von W. Kidd, Jr.
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