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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-Andrew Strom.

We are greatly enjoying our travels in Australia - and finding so
many wonderful people. There are now more meetings in MILDURA
and ADELAIDE that have been arranged. (Alas, nothing in Perth as yet).

As always, the meetings are Free-entry. Everyone is welcome.
Please let people know if you can. And we would certainly appreciate
your prayers, my friends. The themes of these meetings are - "How
to Have a Personal Revival" and "True Disciples - Not Just
Churchgoers!" Below are the details-

(1) ALBURY/ WODONGA - 2 Nights - 17th & 18th Feb. (TONIGHT!)
VENUE: Thurgoona Community Centre, 10 Kosciusko Road,
(cnr Kosciusko & Table Top Rds), Thurgoona, NSW 2640.
TIMES: 7:00pm both nights - 17th & 18th Feb. (Thur-Fri).
CONTACT: Colin - 0447422299.

(2) NORTH MELBOURNE - Sunday 20th Feb.
VENUE: Glory of Christ church, Craigieburn Rd, Craigieburn. (Next
to the Leisure Centre), VIC 3064.
TIME: 4:00pm on Sunday afternoon - 20th Feb.

(3) MELBOURNE - 2 Nights - 24th & 25th Feb.
VENUE: Lion's Club Hall, 1230 Riversdale Rd. (Cnr. Station St.)
Box Hill South, VIC 3128.
TIMES: 7:30pm both nights - 24th & 25th Feb. (Thur-Fri)
CONTACT: Bob - 0428 811 930.

(4) EAST MELBOURNE - 2 Meetings - Sunday 27th Feb.
VENUE: Catch the Fire Ministries, 23 Melverton Drive, Hallam,
VIC 3803.
TIMES: 2 Meetings - 9:30am and 6:30pm on Sun 27th Feb.

(5) MILDURA - 2nd and 3rd March (Two Nights).
VENUE: Wesley Centre, Cnr. 10th and Deakin Avenue, Mildura,
VIC 3500.
TIMES: 7:00pm on both 2nd and 3rd March (Wed-Thurs).
CONTACT: Dawn - (03) 50211619 or (04) 17076317 - cell.

(6) ADELAIDE - 5th - 6th March. (3 Meetings)
VENUE: "Manoah", 9 Manoah Drive, Upper Sturt, SA 5156. (approx
5 km off South Eastern Freeway).
TIMES: 2:00pm and 6:00pm on Sat 5th March - and 2:00pm on
Sun 6th March. (3 Meetings in total). --Bring food if you want to
eat with us between the 2 meetings on Sat.
CONTACT: David - 0417869013.

(7) NORTH ADELAIDE - 8th March. (House Meeting - One Night).
VENUE: Home of Peter O'Connor, 13 Davis St, Salisbury, SA 5108.
TIME: 7:00pm on Tues 8th March.
CONTACT: Peter - 08 8258 4243. Mob: 0430 33 99 10.

(8) SINGAPORE - Friday 11th March at 7.30 pm.
VENUE: St Andrew's Cathedral, 11 St Andrew's Road,
Singapore 178959.
TIME: 7:30pm on Friday night 11th March.
CONTACT: Koon Sheng (ministry leader) - 6438-4757.

(9) SINGAPORE - 12th - 13th March (2 Meetings).
VENUE: SPRING Singapore, 2 Bukit Merah Central,
3rd floor, Singapore 159835.
TIMES: 3:00pm on Sat 12 Mar - and 10:00am on Sun 13th Mar.
CONTACT: Koon Sheng (ministry leader) - 6438-4757.

(10) PENANG, MALAYSIA - 15th and 16th March (2 Nights).
VENUE: YMCA Penang Conference Hall, 211, Jalan Macalister,
10450 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
TIMES: 7:30pm on 15th and 16th March (Tues - Wed Nights).
Josephine: 012-4785678, David: 019-4458829, Jonah: 012-4820911.

We would love to see you at these meetings if you can make it,
my friends. Thankyou so much for your prayers.

God bless you!

Andrew Strom.