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more commands, please!

Posted by: Bowerbird <Bowerbird@...>


i hope andy invents a whole bunch of new keywords for fb3,
so i never have to learn another toolbox call again.

after all, that's why i'm using a higher language, right?

so, here's a few suggestions to get things started:

* how about a single basic command that would return the
various info-items about a file, like its creator and type?

* and an equally simple command to change those info-items?

* how about easy "hide menubar" / "show menubar" commands,
-- just like hypercard!

* and i think "fn teappend" deserves keyword status --
after all, that's a frequently-asked-question, isn't it? :+)


from the sounds of things,
perhaps fb3 will let us create our _our_own_ keywords,
programming them as we see fit?
