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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

Forwarded by: "Tina Glass" <>

-David Wilkerson (1 Sept 2003).

I am not a Jeremiah, but for a number of years I have acted
as a watchman on the wall, warning of impending judgments.
Yet, I have preached that God's judgments are always
redemptive. He is a loving God who must at times redeem
and correct a sinful people through chastenings.

Recently, I have been preaching that God is about to do
something new and glorious. This new thing is beyond revival,
beyond an awakening. It is a work of God that He alone
initiates when He can no longer endure the polluting of His
holy name. There comes a time when God determines
that His Word has been so trampled into the mire, and
abominations have so defiled what is called "the church,"
He must rise up and defend His name before a lost world.

"For His own name's sake," God is going to do two mighty
works. First, He is going to purge the nations and His
church with awesome redemptive judgments. He is going
to stop the invasion into His house by homosexuals and
charlatans - and He is going to purify and cleanse the
ministry and raise up shepherds after His own heart.

Second, God is going to glorify His holy name with a great
intervention of mercy. In the throes of judgments being
fulfilled, God is going to save the day by a supernatural
"turning" of a remnant back to Himself. What He did for
Israel when they were judged, He will do again in the days
ahead. You can read it all in Ezekiel 36:21-38.

Summed up, this is what is prophesied:
"I will have pity for My holy name which has been profaned
among the heathen... not for your sakes, but for My own
name's sake. The heathen shall know I am God. I will
sprinkle clean water upon you, and you shall be clean of all
filthiness. I will you give you a new heart and a new spirit.
I will cause you to walk in My ways. I will save you from all
your uncleanness. Not for your sakes do I do this, but for my
own name's sake." (Also see Ezekiel 20:22,44.)

For God's people, glorious days are ahead. Do not fret.
God's holy name, and His pure Word, will be vindicated.
Something greater than revival is coming. God says, "I will
do a new thing." It has to do with restoring the glory of His
Name - the glory that is in Christ, the Lord.