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more info, please pray

Posted by: dgarnera <dgarnera@...>

I have spoke to the release officer. She says that jeff is being charged
with a probation violation. Sentencing will not be for 14 days. They are
seeking no bail and that he remains in custody for the 14 days. His
attorney will be there and will hopefully be able to plead his case.
Please pray, this all happens in 30 minutes. If they are successful at
keeping him in jail for 14 days then they will probably be successful in
keeping him from being able to come home. Meaning he will not be able to
move home or have any contact with us.
If he can not work for the next 2 weeks how will the kids and I be
provided for? He loses wages the will pay this months bills and next
months rent. He can't come up with the $300 needed for this months rent.
Will he lose his job for being gone for so long? These are all things I
am dealing with now.
This was all done out of jeffs ignorance, not because he was trying to
cheat the courts. I am sure that he did not know that all of this would
happen. How could he. All this time his probation officer never asked
about me and the kids. Not even "have you divorced her" or "are you
paying child support". They acted like we just disappeared. If they had
questioned him about us. Maybe none of this would have happened. And his
attorney knows us, knows that we have been together all this time. He
never questioned it either. He could have checked into it.
I am frustrated with all of this. I am not on food stamps, nor am I on
any other assistance. What do they expect us to do. And why are they
wasting tax payers money on this??? He is not a criminal.
I have not heard from him today. I am wondering if they have taken away
the privilidge.
Please pray. I am confused.
Thank you, debra