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More Prayers, Please!

Posted by: BeckyBoop4 <BeckyBoop4@...>

Hi Everybody,
I feel like I shouldn't bother you all, since their have been so many
important things going on but....... You see my husband works for TWA/AA and
well, you know the deal. They were working on hiring him and moving us to
Dallas (ugh!) AND giving severance pay if their was no move. Now they have a
hiring freeze on and no severance and laying off much earlier than originally
planned! Soooo if you all could pray that he doesn't get laid off or they
give him a job anyway or that he gets the severance pay.
He wrote the ground delay program for TWA and is rewriting it for AA and
their systems, but now no one knows what will happen!
Except God of course!
Well, this is a long letter for me cause I am not as fast of a typist as some
of you, but thanks for praying and not just for me but for everyone that has
needed it recently.
In His Grace,