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Mother's Hands

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

*** Mother's Hands ***
She sat alone on an old park bench, quite young, in a family way,
With tearful eyes and shaky hands, she watched the children play.
Torn by mixed emotions, doubtful thoughts she couldn't hide,
She hadn’t noticed the older woman who'd nestled by her side.
"You look so sad." the woman said. "A sweet, young thing like you
Should never look so weary. Is there anything I can do?"
"I'm sorry," came a soft reply. "There's really nothing wrong.
It's just that I'm a little scared. I don't know if I’ll be strong."
"Why, child, "the woman answered. "You know what you've been given?
Such a treasure that you carry! Why, it's a miracle from heaven!"
She scooted slightly over and placed the young ones hands in hers,
"Mine," she said, "Are old and worn. Not near as strong as yours.
In your hands, God’s entrusted a most precious gift, indeed.
And with it, many special things. There’s all you'll ever need.
There's patience, hope, and wisdom. And lullabies, for sure.
There's trust and understanding and love that’s sweet and pure.
Here's smiles and tears and wishes. A gentle touch is over there.
This one's most important, for it holds both faith and prayer."
She pointed out compassion and memories and dreams.
So many hidden treasures, so much to grasp it seemed.
She explained each crease and crevice, though it took a little while.
As she rose to make her way, the young one thanked her with a smile.
Well, the years went by and time got on. Her children all had grown.
Her youth had stood the test of time. She'd wrinkles of her own.
She smiled in fond remembrance, for she had come to understand
The beauty in the wondrous things God placed in Mother's hands.
*** 1 Corinthians 13 for Moms ***
I can read bedtime stories till the cow jumps over the moon
and sing "Ten Little Monkeys" until I want to call the doctor...
But if I don't have love, I'm as annoying as a ringing phone.
I can chase a naked toddler through the house while  cooking dinner and listening to voice mail.  I can fix the best cookies and Kool-Aid in the neighborhood and I can tell a sick child's temperature with one touch of my finger...  But if I don't have love, I am nothing.
Love is patient while watching and praying by the front window when it's 30 minutes past curfew.
Love is kind when my teen says, "I hate you!"
It does not envy the neighbors' swimming pool or their brand-new mini van, but trusts the Lord to provide every need.
Love does not brag when other parents share their disappointments and insecurities, and love rejoices when other families succeed.
It doesn't boast, even when I've multi-tasked all day long and my husband can't do more than one thing at a time.
Love is not rude when my spouse innocently asks, "What have you done today?"
It does not immediately seek after glory when we see talent in our
children, but encourages them to get training and make wise choices.
It is not easily angered, even when my 15-year-old acts like the world
revolves around her.
It does not delight in evil (is not self-righteous) when I remind my
17-year-old that he's going 83 in a 55-mph zone, but rejoices in the
Love does not give up hope.
It always protects our children's self-esteem and spirit, even while
doling out discipline.
It always trusts God to protect our children when we  cannot.
It always perseveres, through blue nail polish, burps and other bodily functions, rolled eyes and crossed arms, messy rooms and sleepovers.
Love never fails.
But where there are memories of thousands of diaper changes and painful labor(s), they will fade away.
Where there is talking back, it will (eventually) cease.
(Please, Lord?)
Where there is a teenager who thinks she knows everything, there will one day be an adult who knows you did your best.
For we know we fail our children, and we pray they don't end up
in therapy, but when we get to heaven, our imperfect parenting will
disappear. (Thank you, God!)
When we were children, we needed a parent to love and protect us. Now that we're parents ourselves, we have a heavenly Father who adores, shelters us and holds us when we need to cry.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these *is* love!!
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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