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[Music] New church album!

Posted by: lowfreqgeek <lowfreqgeek@...>

I posted this on the FB group, but figured I'd also post it here on the list. 

My church, Desert Springs Church in Albuquerque, NM, just released a full-length album of mostly original or adapted songs that we use in Worship on a regular basis. It's definitely not your typical "worship" album like most of what I hear out there. It's just full of theologically solid, Christ-centered songs that were written for use in our church, and selected by the congregation - thus the title This is Our Song


We recorded it over the spring and summer and had a release concert last Friday night with well over 700 people in attendance - including many from other churches around Albuquerque. It's available on Bandcamp as of today. Also, you can download all the song charts at

Most of the bass and drums were recorded together at the same time. There was one song we recorded completely live, and one that we recorded the entire rhythm section (including guitars) all live. One has 3 upright parts - a pizz and 2 arco tracks. I think I dubbed bass after the drums on 2 tracks. 

Gear wise, it was mostly a EBMM Bongo 5 (6 tracks), RGW P4 (1), Warmoth Jazz w/Honey Badger pickups (2), Warmoth Gecko 5 (1), Taylor AB3 bass guitar (1) and my Shen upright (1). Mostly through a Manley tube DI or PJB Bass Buddy into a Focusrite interface.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, and please feel free to incorporate any of these into your own worship, if they fit your needs. 



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