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My Assurance: God Is In Control Monday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Please Keep Niki In Prayer"
Niki has been moved to a more advanced rehabilitation hospital. This is definitely a good sign and shows God working in Niki's life. Please keep Niki and her family in prayer as she moves on to this next step.
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"My Assurance: God Is In Control"
John 8:32
God has known you from the beginning of time. In fact, there has
never been a time when He did not know and love you. Many find this
difficult to believe. They think back to the wrong decisions they
have made and wonder how God could love them. Others struggle with
sin on a daily basis and think there is no way God will continue to
care for them. But God does. He loves us in spite of our past and
all we struggle with in the present.
God is not looking for any of us to perform up to a certain level.
Instead, He longs for us to love Him with a full heart. When we do
this, sin loses its attraction, and we seek to turn away from it.
Love as strong as the love of God has the ability to touch even the
hardest of hearts. While good performance may change the outward
appearance, it can never change the core of a sinful heart. Only the
grace and love of God can do this.
Because He is sovereign and in control of all things, we can bring
our failures to the Lord and receive full and complete forgiveness.
And because we know through His Word that He loves us with an
eternal love, we can ask Him to remove the areas of sin in our lives
that prove difficult and stubborn. As you pray, tell Him of your
sincere love for Him, and ask Him to make a way of freedom and hope
for you today.

"The Preacher" 

This will certainly make you stop and think. You never know what a
kind word, a phone call, or an impromptu visit will do for someone

It was a cold winter's day that Sunday. The parking lot to the
church was filling up quickly. I noticed as I got out of my car that
fellow church members were whispering among themselves as they
walked to the church.

As I got closer I saw a man leaned up against the wall outside the
church. He was almost laying down as if he was asleep. He had on a
long trench coat that was almost in shreds and a hat topped his
head, pulled down so you could not see his face. He wore shoes that
looked 30 years old, too small for his feet with holes all over
them, his toes stuck out.

I assumed this man was homeless, and asleep, so I walked on by
through the doors of the church. We all gathered for fellowship for
a few minutes, and someone brought up the man laying outside. People
snickered and gossiped but no one bothered to ask him to come in,
including me.

A few moments later church began. We all waited for the Preacher to
take his place and to give us the Word, when the doors to the church
opened. In came the homeless man walking down the aisle with his
head down. People gasped and whispered and made faces. He made his
way down the aisle and up onto the pulpit he took off his hat and

My heart sank.

There stood our preacher.. he was the "homeless man." No one said a

The preacher took his Bible and laid it on the stand.

"Folks, I don't think I have to tell you what I am preaching about
today." Then he started singing the words to this song: "If I can
help somebody as I pass along. If I can cheer somebody with word or
song. If I can show somebody that he's traveling wrong. Then my
living shall not be in vain."

Justice --- When you get what you deserve

Mercy ----- When you don't get what you deserve

Grace ----- When you get what you don't deserve

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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