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my day

Posted by: lmoreno4 <lmoreno4@...>

Well here goes,
I wake up at 4:50 am. I get my milking stuff ready and baby goat
bottles. I leave my children and my husband in bed while I go to the barn
to milk and feed 18 goats, feed 30 chickens 15 ducks, 4 geese,3 homing
pigeons and 3 dogs. This takes me about 45 minutes. I come back in the
house and strain and refrigerate the milk. I get ready for works. ( Which
is teaching school) I wake up my children at about 6:15. My husband gets
up and gets ready for work. He is a Systems Analyst.
We leave the house at 7am and head for school which is just 10 minutes
away. My oldest son goes across the parking lot to middle school and my
youngest goes to the same school where I teach.
I have 18 students and I love to teach or I could not do all that I do.
I used to teach in a private Christian school and I do miss that.
I leave school at about 3:30 . I get home and have to rest for about 30
minutes. I then milk and feed all the animals again. I cook dinner every
night for my family. My husband usually get home around 6 PM. We eat
together every night. We love this part of our family. It is amazing to
me that not a lot of families do that anymore. On the weekends I make
cheese and soap for my little business.
In between all of that I read my e-mail and grade papers, make lesson
plans, read to my children, give baths and all the other things that moms
I just know that I couldn't give up anything. Have a great day. Lisa

Lisa Moreno
La Dulce Vida Farm
Mascot, TN