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my favorite week of the year!

Posted by: marmali <marmali@...>

I think Christmas and the days following it make up my favorite week of the whole year! I really enjoy most of everything connected to Christmas....celebrating Jesus, being with family, light parades, great food, giving gifts. Then, when Christmas is over, I can't wait to go through the house....purging, rearranging, organizing, cleaning, and giving the whole house a fresh start for the upcoming year. My 2014 calendar is on the wall waiting for appointments and events. I will be evaluating and tweaking our homeschool plan for the coming semester, and eliminating books we won't need and shopping for some new ones. On one or two days, I'll help my four teens go through their possessions and get their rooms back in order. Lastly, dh and I will put away the Christmas decorations and reorganize our shop. There are several items we hope to sell (tipi, go-cart, washer/dryer, tv) and some (bathroom vanity, medicine cabinet, faucets) we will be donating to a fundraising auction for one of dh's co-workers who needs a liver transplant.
Yesterday, there were 19 of us at my mom's. We had a great time and were glad to have Dustin and Brandon with us. Brandon hadn't seen his four younger siblings in a year. Dustin hadn't seen the boys in about a year. Both older guys were surprised at how much Caleb and Jacob have grown. Caleb (age 13 1/2) is wearing a size 14 shoe now...quite a change from when they last saw him. We met my niece's new husband, and in a weird twist, my biological father brought a step-son from his third marriage!
Dh gets off at 3:30 today and tomorrow, then is on call this weekend so we'll have lots of good at-home time to relax and work on our projects. I hope you all had a special day celebrating the birth of Jesus! 
Lisa NM

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