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My Greatest Wish

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2007, J. Randal Matheny

Dont miss my UPLift list as well!

by J. Randal Matheny

My greatest wish has grown with time,
Has always been, but ever whitens
Hotter in God's healing hands,
A wish grown up to word a prayer.

Ah! this wish turned prayer has weathered
Every challenge, every change
Of body, mind, and battered storm,
With muscles toned by manly grit.

Not merely a wish but massive toil,
Its power is drawn from boundless wells,
And loses self in lenient depths
Of brilliant light and breathtaking hills.

A single wish, not simply greatest,
Is mine -- all others pale and wane --:
I want, I ask to walk with God,
Under his shadow, warmed by his smile.

1. Make it a conversation. Talk back ...

When you comment, please tell me your
first name, city, state, and country.

2. Share today's poem, as is, with a friend.


On "Years Go Tumbling" (2007 Jan 18):

"You have a wonderful gift with words. This is
beautiful and so true. I've read it over two,
three times. I love it." --Melody, undisclosed

"Excellent! How very true and how much we
sometimes don't like to think about it but as you
have stated, "The rush of years is joy for me,/
Knowing God's eternity." At least, that is how we
should be thinking about it." --Beverly, also
tightlipped about state

> Witless, wasting precious time,
> Scrambling in a useless climb.

"Stop to pray ...
Instead of making it a fix-it day,
where one forgets God's way."
--Patricia, Wisconsin

"This was very timely. It arrived on my favorite
niece's 60th birthday, so I had to share it with
her. Her husband has been an elder and often
preaches on Sunday, where needed. I am only 12
years older, so she and I have been very close.
Thank you for the reminder of where we are and
where we are going." --JoAnn, California

"Amen! How about something for believers for
unexpected deaths of loved ones or just friends?"
--Tulin, UK

[Tulin, I'll see what I can come up with.

"This is awesome! I believe poetry is one of your
God-given talents! Keep serving Him, always! Be
blessed, as your emails always bless me!"
--Sandra, North Carolina