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My heart is heavy....Dave update

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

I was awakened by a telephone call during the night. It was Dave. I knew it had to be fairly serious or he would have waited a few hours to call. Dave said there are German soldiers everywhere. That NATO has joined the US due to a treaty that says if any NATO member is attacked then the other members will fight with that member. Dave said they are being told Germany is going to war. He said he could not believe the numbers of soldiers in the streets. His company has decided they cannot even go to the corporate offices. They must stay at the hotel until such time they can get them out of the country. Dave said there are at least 100,000 US citizens stranded in foreign countries right now that cannot get home. The earliest Dave will be able to leave is next week and that is as long as nothing major happens before then.

I would encourage us all to pray and ask God how we should prepare as families, spiritually, mentally and physically. As I began to pray I've been surprised at some of the answers I believe I am receiving from the Lord. I'm sure it's just for me personally but I would encourage others to pray regarding their situations as well...blessings...Deanna