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My Intro

Posted by: DnEAnge <DnEAnge@...>

Hello Ladies,

I have been lurking for about a week now, so I think it's time to
introduce myself! My name is Erin Ange and I am 27 years old. I
have been married for almost 6 years to my dh David and we have 3
blessings so far. Hannah is 4 1/2, Emma is 2 1/2, and my little man
Jonah is just about 11 months. We homeschool, homebirth, use natural
medicine, dress modestly & cover fulltime (the girls and I ;o), and
are conservative christians. My interests are sewing, cooking,
canning, reading, bargain shopping on ebay, and striving to live more
simply. We live in Arlington, WA and just bought 2.5 acres in the
Whitehorse/Darrington area. It is surrounded by 15 acres of wooded
land so we are quite secluded. We are having a very modest home
built at the moment on our land, 3 bdrm 1 3/4ba., and it should be
completed within 2 months. We currently heat by wood only and are
looking into alternative sources of light for the fall/winter. We
only have two cats for now, Moses and Esther. Come next spring we
hope to include chickens, goats, turkeys and eventually a cow, pigs
and a pony. I look forward to learning from all the seasoned
homesteaders here, and getting to know everyone.

Your sister in Christ,

Erin Ange