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My Romans 8:28 Pot

Posted by: root <root@...>

My Romans 8:28 Pot

Murphy's Law states: What can go wrong will go wrong. at the most
inopportune time. The past three days in my life have certainly been an
exercise of Murphy's Law in action. Read on. and listen to my tale.

A couple of weeks ago I decided to put my tractor in the shop. It is a 1960
model Ford Power Master that was next to impossible to start. I spent more
time trying to start it than I did doing the job I was going to do! Anyway,
I put it in the shop and gave the mechanic a long list of things I wanted
done to it, but most importantly, I instructed him to "fix it where it will
start!" Well, he fixed it and brought it back to me all ready to use.

Saturday Marianne and I planned a big workday in our yard. I went and bought
a chainsaw to cut low hanging limbs and a new push mower to trim around the
house, pump-house, and shrubbery. Saturday arrived and we were ready to go.
I should have known something was amiss when I pulled the rope starter on my
brand new mower for the very first time, and as I released it, instead of
returning to its normal position it went under the mower and the mower cut
the rope into. Bad start!

Well, I recovered from the lawn mower and went on with the day. As the day
progressed I was steadily using my tractor. I was starting and shutting it
off about every five minutes. It worked perfectly. for about two hours. then
it "backslid" (must be a Baptist tractor!) and started becoming harder and
harder to start. until it wouldn't start anymore! Strike two!

It was fairly late in the afternoon when the tractor refused to start, so we
just called it quits. I didn't feel well, and besides, we were exhausted!

Sunday arrived and I still felt bad. After church services I went by my
momma's house and got her to check my blood sugar. (I didn't know I was a
diabetic until Sunday) My blood sugar was 505!

After leaving the doctor's office on Monday morning with the sad reality
that everything I would eat from now on would taste like cardboard, I
decided to go by the tractor repair shop and tell my friend who owns the
shop about the tractor. He assured me that he would come see about it, so I
got in my truck to leave. Well, I turned the key in the ignition switch of
my truck, which up to this point had been running perfectly. and it wouldn't
say a word! In less than five minutes my battery had went from totally
healthy to totally dead!

As I stood there in total disbelief of the events that had transpired in the
past three days, I began to relate them to my friend who owns the tractor
shop, who by the way, is a Christian. He told me, "Aaron, sometimes things
began to bunch up like that in my life. When they do I just imagine a big
pot sitting on the ground. I picture myself taking all the things that are
going wrong over to the pot and placing them in the pot." He went on to say,
"Aaron, I've even got a name for my pot. Do you know what I call it?" I
said, "No." He said, I call it my Romans 8:28 Pot." As I heard my friends
words something moved deep within me and I smiled inside and said, "Thank
you Lord for reminding me." "And we know that all things work together for
good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his

1: I cut the rope into on the pull start of my new lawnmower. Big deal! It
could have been my foot!
2: My tractor tore up. Big deal! Perhaps if it had kept running.I would have
kept working. Now, not knowing my blood sugar was above 500, I could be in
a diabetic coma today!
3: My diet will now consist of food that taste like cardboard. Big deal! I'm
too fat anyway!
4: My battery died in my truck. Big deal! Perhaps God tore it up to prevent
me from dying in a collision.

A Romans 8: 28 Pot. now ain't that a novel idea? But you know what? I expect
that many of you reading this article right now are smiling deep inside and
thinking to yourselves, "Boy, can I related to that! . Thank you Lord for
reminding me!" If I am guessing correctly, many of you are making a trip
right now to your Romans 8: 28 Pot with a whole bunch of "stuff" to give

A Romans 8: 28 Pot. Yep, that'll work!!!

Brother Aaron
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