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My Saviour Lives in Me

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

<>< My Savior Lives In Me ><>                  

You ask me why my skies are blue
And never dark or gray
My Saviour clears the storm clouds
And brightens up my day.
You ask me why I wear a smile
And not a scowl or frown
My Saviour brings me happiness
And never lets me down.

You ask me why the flowers bloom
And never wilt away
My Saviour gives me sweet perfume
And sends me fresh bouquets.
You ask me why the grass is green
On my side of the tracks
My Saviour gives a touch of spring
And never takes it back.
You ask me why I do His will
And heed His mighty call
My Saviour gives eternal life
And lifts me when I fall.
You ask me why I know such peace
And joy reigns in my heart
My Saviour took my sins away
And we will never part.
You ask me why I speak His name
And never do I falter
My Saviour calls for me to come
And meet Him at the altar.
You ask me why I love Him so
And why He set me free
My Saviour died that I might live
And now He dwells in me.
<>< Give Your Cares To Jesus ><>  
Do not be discouraged,
when you feel down and out;
Give your cares to Jesus,
for it's you He cares about.
When life gets too heavy,
and you don't know what to do;
Give your cares to Jesus,
He will always see you through.
Life is full of ups and downs,
and things get in the way;
Give your cares to Jesus,
and you'll see a brighter day.
Don't worry about the past,
you would change it if you could;
Give your cares to Jesus,
He will mend things for your good.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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