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My week

Posted by: mestes <mestes@...>

I'll give you all a little synopsis of my week. I've been running my morning schedule much better this week. I think its almost a habit now. My house is clean! My kitchen window is uncluttered and pretty. I've got my stained glass hummingbirds hung (I got them for last Christmas!), I've got vines growing there, and 3 things hung on the window. All the JUNK is gone!

The rest is a copy of the note I sent to Flylady............
I closed my baby's hand in the door which
required a trip to the emergency room. We had on clean clothes and our
shoes. THe clean towels were where they belonged, we wrapped his hand up
and took off. (He's fine.) Then on Monday, a pressure cooker exploded in
the kitchen. Again, no one was hurt. I calmly sent everyone outside to
play and cleaned up the mess. No fussing, no screaming, just calm cleaning.
It wasn't a big deal because the kitchen was CLEAN when it happened. No
chicken broth on dirty dishes (there were no dirty dishes). No chicken
broth on a filthy floor (it was recently swept). All I had to clean up was
some chicken broth, NOT THE WHOLE KITCHEN! On Wednesday a friend dropped by
with her 5 kids at lunchtime. No problem. We whipped up a plate full of
peanut butter sandwiches and some juice ans were set. Not a problem
because - THE KITCHEN WAS CLEAN! Then, Wednesday afternoon another friend
called and told us that her husband was in the hospital. So today, I have
her 5 kids all day long and WE'RE DOING HER LAUNDRY! Because mine is caught
up! And on top of it all, I cleaned out 2 kitchen cabinets this week, deep
cleaned my bathroom and made a trip to the mall!

Thank you and God Bless you Flylady for helping me to learn to do the things
that I should have been doing all along!

Dana (Mike's wife, Chris, Sam and Caleb's Mom)
"Let your home be your parish, your little brood your congregation, your
living room a sanctuary, and your knee a sacred altar." Billy Graham