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Natural disinfectant

Posted by: H2OBIRTH2X <H2OBIRTH2X@...>

A few days back someone asked about a natural disinfectant.

Tea Tree Oil (TTO) works very well. It is an antifungal, antibacterial and
germicide. I too use ONLY vinegar, bs, h2o and Bon Ami (in lieu of Comet -
as it's a more earth friendly product). When I want to degerm toilets,
sinks, etc - I have a special spray bottle that contains 1/2 vinegar / 1/2
h2o and a few drops of TTO. Since it is an oil, it's highly concentrated.

We also have to sleep w/ humidifiers year round as it's so dry here in the
desert. So, we add a few drops of TTO in the h2o to kill any bacterial
growth - plus the smell keeps the sinuses open.

TTO is also good for wart removal, yeast infections (ringworm, etc). Great
product to have in the home. And quite inexpensive for the long usage it can

And, let's see. I've been lurking here for about 9 mos. I should introduce
myself. I'm Cheri - helpmeet to Don for 6 years. And in that time span
we've had 3 children: dd '96, dd '97, ds '00 and due on 8/15 with another ds.

We live on 8 acres that are shared w/ my folks, my grandma, my bro and his
wife & their 3 boys & perhaps someday my other 2 siblings will decide to
homestead here. My dh built our home and we moved in last Oct. So - still
have much to do... We garden, hope to have chickens and goats by year end.
Currently tho have 2 dogs, 3 cats, and all the wild birds that will come to
our feeders and plants. We homeschool, attend church regularly, I enjoy
quilting, crocheting, jamming, sewing, birdwatching, researching. All of our
children have been born at home in a labor tub. And I'm looking forward to
doing it one more time before we start the process for adopting a sibling

Enjoy the list but am bummed when it comes in attachment forms tho - as I too
cannot open those emails - am on digest.

Cheri in AZ