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need help from goat people

Posted by: dabanks <dabanks@...>

Hi again, I have a question to ask anyone who is knowledgeable of goats. One of our baby pygmy's (4 months old) has within the last month lost so much weight it is scary. She is down to a skeleton now. We never see it happen, but lately she must be getting knocked down (seems I just turn my back) by another goat or she is falling down. When she falls down she lays there and kicks and cries and can not get up. She seems to can't even lift her head. When we pick her up (all of maybe 4 pounds of her), she is limp but crying and in a matter of a few seconds she wants down. Any ideas what is going on here? I am afraid she is not going to make it. It all seemed to start about a month or so ago when she had diarrhea. I medicated the whole bunch of them for coccidiosis even tho I really didn't think it was that at the time but figured it wouldn't hurt to med them for it anyways. It took several days, but her diarrhea did go away. So, since then she has continued to lose weight and her hair is getting dry. I worm these guys frequently so I really doubt it is worms. By frequently I mean every 5-6 weeks being there is so many of them and we are always "dragging home" another one. Her 2 sisters and her brother are doing fine as are all the other goats. I really don't want to lose little Pebbles, she is a sweetie and so adorable. By the way, she seems to eat really well and stays behind to clean up what her mama and siblings didn't want. No problems with bloat at all either. Thanks so much!! Julie