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Need Prayer Urgent!

Posted by: terryt <terryt@...>

Brothers our church is standing in the need of prayer! I seldom send out prayre request. But have felt led to ask for prayer adn wisdom form the brothers.
Our church has a likeable youth minister. By likeable he is a great person on the outside.No one does not like him. When he came we laid the ground rules for what we expected in youth minister and what we would help him do. Then a few weeks later it was brought to my attention that at youth function that he was seen in the dark huggin and kissing a youth in the church. I asked him to come in and we talked about conduct adn that he knew that we did not want youth minister to date youth. he said that he was not. This continued and I recieved a list form parents of complaints. I called chariman of deacons to set in on the copnversation and share wisdom. he did and I said that we needed to shre this information with other deacon and the church. following his advice to remain calm and give young man a chance to correct his actions. Well over a period of time this young man has caused our youth group to fall down and we had 18 yr old surrender to the ministry. he has brought complaints from youth and parents to me and this past Sunday night I called all deacons to remain after worship service and we discussed them and then called youth minister in to answer the complaints. He set in the meeeting and shared untruths and then the deacon's turned on me and said that I was out to ruin this young man. I was told that if these parents were unhappy to call them adn ask them to come in and tell them. I felt that these men that I have trusted have taken the side of a smooth talker and allowed satan to lead them astray. I know that in dismissing this young man will bring discord due to fact that he and this youth are still dating on the side. Her parents have many in the church who are friends adn realtives. I know that God is alive and well. He has brought much growth to this church in the three years I have been here. But know this church that was broken adn split when I was called of God to come and pastor here. They have forgotten the past brokeness and refuse to stand tall on the word of God. They have suddenly moved to be popular and not stand on word. I ask that not only pray for htis church and this young man, but that God would lead me to make the right decisions for my ministry and my family. my family has been attacked because of this issue. Even after the meeting the deacon body said pastor we love you and support you. This I feel was not the entire truth when they had jsut nailed me to the wall so to speak adn accuse me of falsehood because they like the outward man in the youthh director adn have failed to see the inward man. God Bless each of you and your churches. I know God reigns and lives and that all things work to the good!
In His service until he comes!
Terry Tribble