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Need Prayers

Posted by: jfrancis <jfrancis@...>

Hello all!  I just got a phone call.  Duane has passed away.  He is a really good friend who had cancer.  His children are still teenagers and his children from his first marriage are just having his grandkids.  But he got to hold his newest grandson.
I am so shocked.  I thought he had so much time left. 
Jewel his wife told me that his mom has been calling him.  That started a couple weeks ago.  And she told him to tell her to leave him alone it's not time yet.  Well it happened again a few nights ago.  Then his sister from Minnesota called Sunday night and he told her about it.  When he was going he was talking to her as he was going and Jewel told him to go run have fun fix cars and breath free. 
This isn't right.  I hate cancer.  He was so young.  Would have been 63 June 21 a day after Father's day.  
Jo Lynn 

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