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Need some Understanding

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

Hi friends,

I need some help in understanding a situation with some fellow believers.
Since we have folks on this list from different perspectives I thought I'd
ask about this issue here.

My husband and I have some friends that are believers. The husband works at
labor type jobs. He's very reliable to his employer and takes additional
side jobs to bring in extra income. Recently his employer has had a slow
down in work jobs so this man has only been working a couple of days a week.
He has tried to take on some side jobs and is more than willing to work.
Work has been scarce. We knew their financial situation was getting very
tight and since this scenario has been going on for two months we knew they
might be getting behind in bills. However, the wife continued to garage
sale, shop, auction, etc. So we figured they must be o.k.

We were over there a couple of days ago and the husband was talking with my
husband. Told us they had received a disconnect notice for their
electricity and they were getting behind on house payments. If things were
this serious, why was she still spending? I was confused. My husband told
me that the wife felt it was the husbands responsibility to provide for the
needs of the family. The money she makes is for non-essentials, garage
saling, buying books, etc...for herself, the house, gas for running around,
etc. I'm not trying to be judgemental. It's just hard for me to see her
husband in such distress by no fault of his own and the wife not helping
financially. The husband said he was going to have to ask his wife to help.
He's started selling things just to try and pay the bills. I'm trying to

I'm a bit dumbfounded and I need to hear from others of you that believe
this way. My husband and I have always shared whatever income that has come
into our household. Typically he does pay for everything but we have never
looked at it that way. We often help others financially when in need but I
can't bring myself to help this man when his wife isn't helping. I'd
appreciate your opinions. Feel free to email me off list if you prefer. I
don't want to create some heated debate. I just don't have anyone else to