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Never Too Late

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2011, J. Randal Matheny

by J. Randal Matheny

Today! tonight! this moment! now!
You can reroute your fate;
To kill the pagan or sacred cow,
It's never, it's never too late.

To mend a wrong and make it right,
To seek a change of heart,
To let God cleanse the soul with light,
It's never too late to start.

When angels trumpet the Lord's descent,
And blows the final sound,
'Twill be, when folds this worldly tent,
Too late to turn around.

Or else when death upon the door
Comes knocking to end our course,
'Tis time to tally the final score,
Too late for teary remorse.

The time is now, no matter the past,
The Lord would now receive;
This moment is here, but will not last --
It's not too late to believe.

1. If you were blessed today by this poem, please
forward it, as is, to some friends.
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