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New Babies!

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

This is turning out to be an interesting day for me. Many of you may
remember last year that I waited and waited for my favorite doe Dilly to
kid. She never kidded. She had aborted early on and we thought she'd bred
back but didn't. She didn't breed back until the fall and blessed us with a
doe kid and buck kid this past February. Well...unknown to us...Dilly
somehow made contact with our buck Thor before he left to go to his new home
on May 15th. Thor apparently bred her in April. We had two very nice kids
born a hour ago. A buck kid and a doe kid. It is a rather interesting
phenomena to note. I have friends that have had goats for years and never
had fall kiddings like this unless they worked very hard to make it happen.
I now know of at least 8 people that had unexpected breedings of does and
all due to kid within a month. This will keep many in milk through the
winter. I was mentioning this to a friend of mine in TN that has raised
goats for a long time. She was lamenting that she hadn't had a buck on her
place for a year and sort of took a year off from breeding. All of her does
had been dry for 6 months or more. That she would not be one of us is milk
this winter. I off handedly said...well...if God wants you to have milk,
He'll give you milk, even if He just brings a doe back into a lactation
without kidding.

Guess what happened? One of her does dropped an udder and suddenly started
producing a quart a day...this happened this week...kind of interesting