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New Bible Notes Message Board
193 Posts
#1 · January 10, 2008, 11:09 am
Quote from Forum Archives on January 10, 2008, 11:09 amPosted by: biblenotes <biblenotes@...>
Dear Bible Notes Subscribers,I have created a message board where I plan to post and organize all sorts of things.If you want to ask any Bible Questions, this will be a good place to do so. Also, you can post your testimony and/or prayer requests. Please be sure to read and agree to the rules given in the Main Chat forum, before posting.I intend to post all Bible Notes, some Sermons, Sermon Outlines, Bible Study Materials, Poetry and Songs, AND True Stories from my own life and from the lives of others. I think I pretty well have the message board arranged in a logical fashion. Any suggestions are welcome. I will need to do some more formatting and image work on the board, but it is fully functional and presently doesn't look too bad (in my opinion).Yes, I will still try to produce bible Notes and send them out through the normal list; but, I thought that this message board will give me some focus and help me to have another channel through which to minister to others."Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:" (Hebrews 12:14) --To unsubscribe, send ANY message to [email protected]
Posted by: biblenotes <biblenotes@...>
Dear Bible Notes Subscribers,
I have created a message board where I plan to post and organize all sorts of things.
If you want to ask any Bible Questions, this will be a good place to do so. Also, you can post your testimony and/or prayer requests. Please be sure to read and agree to the rules given in the Main Chat forum, before posting.
I intend to post all Bible Notes, some Sermons, Sermon Outlines, Bible Study Materials, Poetry and Songs, AND True Stories from my own life and from the lives of others. I think I pretty well have the message board arranged in a logical fashion. Any suggestions are welcome. I will need to do some more formatting and image work on the board, but it is fully functional and presently doesn't look too bad (in my opinion).
Yes, I will still try to produce bible Notes and send them out through the normal list; but, I thought that this message board will give me some focus and help me to have another channel through which to minister to others.
"Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:" (Hebrews 12:14) --To unsubscribe, send ANY message to [email protected]
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