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New Bible Notes Subscriber Transition

Posted by: biblenotes <biblenotes@...>

Hello, Bible Notes Subscribers,
This will likely be the last message I send through the Bible Notes group email function.
I think I have all subscribers' email addresses, but not the addresses of anyone who only subscribed via online.  Anyone who only subscribed online should email me or visit my message board to notify me of your desire to be included in my email group list. Remember to include the email address that you wish to have subscribed.
For all email subscribers: I recommend that you add my email address ([email protected]) to your "white list", if you have some type of email spam protection and would like to continue your Bible Notes subscription.  Bible Notes subscribers' email addresses will be kept in a mailing list in my Outlook Express address book. Individual subscriber addresses should not appear in any Bible Notes emails or headers. I will honor any requests to be removed from the list.
Note: Runboard, which hosts my message board, provides easy, secure, and free registration. You need a Runboard account to use most of its features, though you can read many public forums including Bible Notes without an account.
May God bless you all,
Yours in Christ,
Martin Overfield

"Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:" (Hebrews 12:14) --To unsubscribe, send ANY message to [email protected]