Quote from Forum Archives on November 17, 2008, 4:56 amPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
ANDREW STROM's NEW BOOK - for *Any* Donation-"SURVIVE THE DEPRESSION - The Shaking Has Begun" (92 pgs).
Those who have been on this List for awhile will remember Andrew
Strom's series of articles and sermons starting over 2 years ago -
predicting both a Housing Crash and then a disastrous Depression.
Many simply did not believe it could get that bad - but now every
news headline confirms the accuracy of what was spoken. Andrew's
new book, "SURVIVE THE DEPRESSION" goes much further,
giving vital insights into the "big picture" of what is really going on,
and how it will affect every one of us. Here are some of the topics
covered in this brand new book--What is still to come and how bad things will get
-The global "big picture" of what it all means
-How to survive and even "thrive" in such challenging times
-Spiritual preparation vs. "physical" preparation
-What should we do?
-How this crisis ties in with a massive "shaking" and Reformation
of the church
-The response that God is looking for from His remnant
-What you need to be focused on at this time
-And much more....HOW to GET THIS BOOK-
As always, we are making it available for *ANY* donation - or
even just the cost of postage (-which is only $1.80 to the USA).
We do not want anyone missing out just through lack of finances.
If you are able to send a "donation" that is great. But otherwise
just send the 'postage' amount. The best thing to do is simply
pray and send whatever God leads you to send.TWO Simple STEPS:
First, please REPLY to this email so that we know that you
want this book.Second, simply SEND YOUR DONATION to us.
-Probably the best way is to use PAYPAL to donate to us securely
online. Simply go to the following webpage to do
OR you can simply send a check (or cash) to the following
address (-Yes, all U.S or UK or European checks are fine):Andrew Strom,
PO Box 21-904,
West Auckland 0650,
New Zealand.(-Please remember to include your ADDRESS.. Checks to be
simply made out to "Andrew Strom".. And we will get the book
off to you ASAP).We look forward to your reply if you want this book, my friends.
God bless you all.
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
"SURVIVE THE DEPRESSION - The Shaking Has Begun" (92 pgs).
Those who have been on this List for awhile will remember Andrew
Strom's series of articles and sermons starting over 2 years ago -
predicting both a Housing Crash and then a disastrous Depression.
Many simply did not believe it could get that bad - but now every
news headline confirms the accuracy of what was spoken. Andrew's
new book, "SURVIVE THE DEPRESSION" goes much further,
giving vital insights into the "big picture" of what is really going on,
and how it will affect every one of us. Here are some of the topics
covered in this brand new book-
-What is still to come and how bad things will get
-The global "big picture" of what it all means
-How to survive and even "thrive" in such challenging times
-Spiritual preparation vs. "physical" preparation
-What should we do?
-How this crisis ties in with a massive "shaking" and Reformation
of the church
-The response that God is looking for from His remnant
-What you need to be focused on at this time
-And much more....
As always, we are making it available for *ANY* donation - or
even just the cost of postage (-which is only $1.80 to the USA).
We do not want anyone missing out just through lack of finances.
If you are able to send a "donation" that is great. But otherwise
just send the 'postage' amount. The best thing to do is simply
pray and send whatever God leads you to send.
First, please REPLY to this email so that we know that you
want this book.
Second, simply SEND YOUR DONATION to us.
-Probably the best way is to use PAYPAL to donate to us securely
online. Simply go to the following webpage to do that-
OR you can simply send a check (or cash) to the following
address (-Yes, all U.S or UK or European checks are fine):
Andrew Strom,
PO Box 21-904,
West Auckland 0650,
New Zealand.
(-Please remember to include your ADDRESS.. Checks to be
simply made out to "Andrew Strom".. And we will get the book
off to you ASAP).
We look forward to your reply if you want this book, my friends.
God bless you all.