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New member intro and hello!

Posted by: dabanks <dabanks@...>

Hi, this seems like such a nice group of women. I am new to the group, well new as of about a month ago and I have been lurking. I have been in other "christian mom's" sights before and could not believe all the bickering that went on there. You all seem so different. I love it. Anyways, we live in northern MN. My husband and I have our own plumbing company and we work side by side. We have 2 teenage sons, Ken(16) and Dustin (13). We homeschool. We have a small hobby farm with 13 goats, 5 sheep, a llama, 3 dogs and some cats...oh and lots of parrots. We just moved here about a year ago and don't even have our house built yet, but will get to that. We moved here to be closer to our parents and now that we bought some land here my parents are putting their home up for sale in town and moving out on our property (in their own home) to be side by side with us. We are all real excited about that. We are not "true" homesteaders" yet, but we dream about it. We have a lot of chores to do around here and with the plumbing business, animals, homeschooling, and building we are busy day and night. The best part is, is that my husband and I work side by side no matter what we are doing so it really makes a day wonderful. Anyways, figured I should introduce myself now that this board is moving quickly again. You all truely seem like the Lord has blessed you in so many ways. It will be great to be able to ask questions and find out how others do things. Take care, Julie