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New prayer request

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

It is so nice to have a group of ladies that you can bring your requests to and know they are prayed for. We have been praying for over a year about an opportunity. I will try and make this short.... OK, I know... I am not known for short. 🙂

In trying to help our son find his life's work, and a way to earn money under our authority or apprenticed to a godly man, we came across an opportunity to buy a goat dairy last Sept. Well, we had heard no more about it since probably last December so thought it was a no go. We started really praying hard about 2 months ago about work for our son again. Well, out of the blue we got a call from the man at the dairy. It may be available still. You have to understand in many ways we are in a win/win situation. We love where we live, and we would love to have the dairy. 🙂 However, the dairy answers so many specific requests that we have had. I ran a co-op in Florida before we moved. We wanted to open a bulk food store here. It never worked out. This dairy has a working (a good client base) bulk food store on the premises. The dairy can be run by my son, as it was run by the man's son who owns it. The property is 40 mins. closer to work for my husband (he travels around 1 hour and 45 mins. one way), so it would save us some on gas and by having an income from the farm, we can pay off our debt and he could come home to work. We have been looking for more pasture to run our broilers, etc. We have 5.25 acres. This place has over 20 acres. Anyway, it seems really tailor made for our family. Please pray with us that God will lead and guide. Financially, it will take a miracle and we would have to sell our house.

I guess that wasn't short was it. 🙂 Thanks for praying.

Wanting to please my Lord and Savior,
Marci, Adopted List Momma
Amazing Graze Farms

Keep striving to be the best Keeper At Home you can be!!