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Posted by: angelanash4 <angelanash4@...>

My understanding of this may be please clarify if it is..but this man by the name of Ray comfort, gave this Satan worshipper money and candy? If this is how it is..then he is wrong. dead wrong. He just supported satans ministry by doing that!
I am sorry if this seems ugly. but that is how is see this.




The Church of Satan
-- By Ray Comfort

This week I had the interesting experience of interviewing a representative from the "Church of Satan." One of their tenants is to be friendly to anyone they meet...but if that person offends them, they are to "destroy" them. It gave me great consolation to know that I had a wonderful camera crew with me--guys that were not only buff, but also faithful men of God. I was confident that if a knife was pulled and I was attacked during the interview...they would make sure that it was filmed from every angle.

Please pray for Jack's salvation.After we filmed I gave the man a box of chocolates and a financial gift, for his time. The money was slipped into a butterfly tract. He was a professing atheist, and emailed later saying, "... please tell [Ray] his butterfly gave us quite a surprise as [we merged] onto the freeway. I almost got to commune with God, but probably not in the way that was intended. But afterwards we had a good laugh and we always appreciate a little mirth."

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