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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Jim and Deanna had to put Nicole back in the hospital around 5:00 this morning; her pneumonia had worsened.
As you know, pneumonia is a most serious situation with babies having her heart and genetic problems.
We will keep you posted, and ask you to pray for Nicole, for Jim and Deanna, and for us all.
Also, continue praying for Ukraine.  We feel somewhat restricted in what we can say, and for good reason, but regardless of what you are hearing, first person accounts and official news release we receive from there, the demonstrations continue in a peaceful and "joyous" way.  More than one source has said that the attendance is far above the 200,000 figure most networks have covered, and actually is running between 500,000 and 1,000,000.  The tent city running down Kreshatik "runs as far as the eye can see". 
Finally, we have just learned this morning that the apartment above ours flooded again, and we have ceiling damage again in the kitchen, bathroom, and hallway.  So, we're in for another cleaning and painting job.  Fortunately, Sveta was able to get into the apartment upstairs and turn the water off and then notify our IMB leadership.  So, repair work will hopefully be completed before we return in four weks.
Pray for Sveta, our dear friend who is apartment sitting for us.  She is so capable, and keeps everything moving.
We will keep you informed on these things as necessary.
Bob and Jo Ann

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