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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends:
We've been negligent in letting you know the latest on Nicole, so here's a summary and a quick update from Jim and Deanna:
+  Nicole went home this past Monday, much to everyone's delight . . . . and anxious wondering.  She made the three hour trip to LaGrange in her car seat with no mishaps or serious difficulties.  Her oxygen saturation levels remained high and she had no serious apnea attacks.
+  Prior to their trip home, Cindy and Christopher were able to see Jim, Deanna, and Nicole as they were preparing to leave the hospital.  This was the first time Christopher had gotten to see her, so he was very excited.
+  They are glad to be home, even though they are in the middle of a major adjustment of routine and living conditions.  Jim recently wrote, "it's just nice to have her here.  There is simply pride in my daughter.  And love for my daughter.  And hope for my daughter. 
"The ultimate outcome is still unknown (but isn't it for all of us???) She apparently can't hear.  Obviously she requires more - and different - care than our other children (I miss soooo much the joy of feeding her a bottle.), but the one thing that is, of course, the same, is that love and pride. 
"We've still got a long ways to go; we've got something in the neighborhood of five more "health care visits" this week alone.  Keep praying as our Lord leads you.  By the way, she's getting stronger.  Her cry is louder (since when was THAT such a great thing?!) and, in watching her with the therapist [Tuesday], It's obvious that her muscles are getting stronger.  Keep praying.  She's still beating the odds... by the grace of God."
Her current conditions, as far as we can tell, are . . .
    She is gaining weight, and is stronger.
    The unknown infection is apparently either gone or under control, although the stapf infection is probably still present (unless the Lord removed it).
    The holes in her heart are apparently still there, and the valves are still malformed, . . . . but her heart is strong and the arrhythmia is gone.
    The G-plug for iv feeding is working.
    The apnea attacks are apparently either reducing in frequency or are becoming so commonplace that nobody mentions it much.
    She has to be fed every three hours, so that means very short sleeping spurts for Jim and Deanna.
    She still messes her diaper with healthy regularity.
    She cries with more vigor and purpose, indicating growing strength.
    There is strong indication that she may be deaf.  More will be known in coming weeks as tests are run.
Her support team is enormous.
    The church continues to rally, and lots of people have visited and offered care of various kinds.
    A team of medical specialists (physical therapists, nurses, etc.) make frequent visits to the house every week.
    Anya and Misha have gone back to Minnesota for a little rest before school begins.
    Thousands around the world continue praying.
Prayer Requests are much the same . . . .
    That all abnormalities in her heart will heal without surgery, and that her heart will grow stronger by the day.
    That God will either replace the two missing portions of the brain, or will "re-wire" the circuitry so their absence is of no consequence.
    That her oxygen saturation levels remain high and her apnea attacks will cease; that any seizures that might be causing them will be corrected.
    That she will continue gaining strength, and will have a long and productive life.
    That any hearing deficiency will be healed.
    That FBC of LaGrange will stay strong, faithful, and patient with Jim and Deanna, and with each other, and that the church will see all of this as an exciting opportunity to become even greater in their trusting, serving, and giving.
    That Jim and Deanna will get the rest they need, and that Deanna will be released from the Postpartum symptoms she's currently feeling, and also from the migraine headaches that have plagued her for so many years.  Sleep is a good treatment for all of that.
    That God will provide an appropriate vehicle for them to use (a van).
    That Nicole Grace will continue to be a blessing to the thousands around the world who have prayed for her or who have heard her story.
You may wonder how we're doing.  Actually, quite well.  We still are sleeping very short nights, probably due to the extreme heat we've had here recently, along with the concerns for Nicole and family.  We wake up frequently during the night, but use those times to pray.
Some may wonder if we've considered coming back to the States, and the answer is still as it was from the beginning . . . . "Yes."  If we felt prompted of the Lord and if we knew our being there would make a significant difference, we'd go in a minute, even if it meant having to resign our position with IMB.  We're sure that some folks have probably felt that we were neglecting our responsibilities; we've had to deal with that, too, but have been able to resist the guilt trips that Satan tries to throw our way.  He still remains the "accuser of the brethren", and we know it.  When one takes time to objectively look at the facts, it becomes clear that our presence is not a critical factor, even though we'd love nothing better than to be with them.
Final note -- Nicole will be two months old next week, on August 10!  When you consider that between 30% and 50% of the children with Mosaic Trisomy 18 do not live more than a month, this is a major milestone for which we rejoice. 
So, continue praying with us for Nicole's total healing, for her continued testimony, and for God to continue being glorified through her life and story.
In His Bond, For His Kingdom, and To His Glory,

Bob and Jo Ann
Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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