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No Knights in Shining Armor Ride

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2008, J. Randal Matheny

One the webpage, read the quote that inspired the
poem, plus some other thoughts.

by J. Randal Matheny

No knights in shining armor ride
Pale steeds across a broken plain,
With nary a pause, nor break in stride,
Who win without a sweat or stain.

No bloodless sword, undented shield,
No helmet crowned with feathered plume,
Will leave, untouched, the Kingdom field
Of battle, whose dead will see no tomb.

Soldiers will be maimed and scarred,
Their losses great, survivors few;
The fighting will go heavy and hard,
As many fall among the true.

With grievous wounds to side and hands,
Their Leader met the fierce foe;
He who suffered understands
What those who fight must undergo.

Martyrs and faithful, living and dead,
Will rise to glory, to honor climb;
Those who stayed when others fled
Will shine in splendor for all time.

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