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I started reading some non-Christian fiction books recently as they were highly recommended by some friends. I had stop and question if I should be reading one of the books because my mind dwells on the images I have put into my head. I need to continually fill myself with God's word and truth, or else my thinkin' gets stinkin.'

Oh be careful little eyes what you see....

So what criteria do I use to determine if it is right for me? Here are some things I think about.

    1. Does it draw me closer to God? Not every book I read will do this, but certainly they must not draw me away. All of our life experiences shape how we think. Will this book add to the positive thought processes I have, or into more worldly thinking? We often don't realize how much we are affected by things we read or see on TV. I definitely admit I am affected!! I may not go change my life or entire belief system because of it, but the little foxes spoil the vineyard...


  1. Is it educational? Sometimes we can learn from other people's experiences. We can learn about what people have gone through. This can help us to more effectively minister to them, or to learn how to prevent mistakes as a society. Sometimes I read just to educate myself on certain topics. My kids certainly have a lot of reading to do in this category while they are in school!
  2. Is it enjoyable to read? If I am just reading to relax, then why waste time on something that feels like work?