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One more question?

Posted by: mestes <mestes@...>

What do you use for curriculum?

Classic, eclectic or what methods?

Unit studies?

Sam is in 5th grade this year. We're using Saxon for math, Silver, Burdett and Ginn Science, From Sea to Shining Sea for history and reading comprehension. We've got two devotion books for his Bible reading. Steck/Vaughn for spelling. Writing Strands and a daily grammar email for composition.

I find that I'm moving more and more away from textbooks (it doesn't look like it does it?) 😉 I've dumped the reading books for this year. I'm feeling a little tense about it, but I know that is because of my public school mentality. I want him to understand what he reads, but he gets a lot of that with his science and history and Bible. If he continues to read for fun like he does, I' think that with guidance, he should be fine. Chris was.

With his science this year, I'm really planning to spend a lot of time teaching him. We're doing bones right now. Muscles are next and then the nervous system. After that, I'm not sure. I've got two 5th grade science curriculum sets that I picked up as castoffs from the school system, so we'll just pick something else from them. I plan to do a unit on solar energy. I want to build a solar oven. Guess I really ought to do that before the days get short!

I'd love to hear what everyone else is doing for school this year.
