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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>


One of our readers, Nancy, wrote to me this week from Christchurch,
the scene of the recent horrific earthquake, which has tragically
affected so many lives. Here is what she wrote-

"Well Andrew, today in Christchurch many churches were forced
out into the open to praise and worship God, and many people
came along who would not normally go to church. There will also
be more sense of unity as the churches that are not damaged are
being opened up for other churches to use for services and for
funerals. Prayer meetings are being organised for this week coming,
to pray for the city.

"After reading Jenny Bolton's prophecy on your website it gave
me hope that God is going to move in Christchurch if we humble
ourselves and pray. Please continue to pray for us. There are many
broken people who need the Lord."

Fox News described what happened this past weekend-
"Parishioners came together Sunday in parks and on the lawns of
churches broken in New Zealand's earthquake to pray for the dead
and missing. They sought togetherness and an answer to the
question on everyone's mind: Why?"

The AP News story continued: "The churches that dot the city felt
some of the worst of the temblor's wrath. Spires toppled, stained
glass windows exploded, walls cracked and masonry fell... Outdoor
services also were held at other churches and at a library, where
attendees arrived on bicycle or on foot and sat in folding chairs..."

As we wrote last year after the first quake, Christchurch has some
of the most powerful prophecies of "Revival" of any city in New
Zealand. It also has prophecies of a move of God in the "open
air". Perhaps God is on the move in this tragedy in ways that
we can only faintly grasp. All we can do is pray for a great move
of His Spirit to bring true unity, love, hunger, truth and prayer
back to a broken and desperate people. We hope and pray that
it happens. Our love and prayers are with you all in that city.

God be with you,

Andrew Strom.