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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-Andrew Strom.

A lot of us have been challenged by God in the area of our GIVING
lately. God has certainly been challenging me personally in recent
months - just by being around my friend David Kirkwood, who
spends so much of his time in the Third World. I don't think we
can begin to imagine the terrible conditions that so many of our
brothers and sisters around the world live in.

So what can we do to help? -This was exactly the question that
arose in David Kirkwood's heart in 2001 when he was taken to
see some Christian orphanages in Myanmar (Burma). Here is
what he saw: "Precious children were squeezed into small rented
homes, sleeping in rows on the floors. They had little to eat. Their
clothing was ragged. Their needs were overwhelming… far beyond
the means of our ministry. God, however, began to answer the
orphans’ prayers, and through the gifts of friends, we started to
improve the quality of their lives."

David was not joking when he said he thought his ministry was
too "small" to help. His organization is a 'one-family' outfit,
where they have no big Headquarters, but his whole family pitch
in to help any way they can. Because of this, they have few
overheads, and can pass on the vast bulk of money directly to
the orphanages themselves. In this way, they are now serving
more than twelve Christian orphanages in Third World countries.

God has miraculously provided the means to do this - and to help
more and more all the time.

The reason I am writing this today, is because there are still
around 180 orphans who are in need of sponsors at this time. David
began a ministry called 'ORPHAN'S TEAR' specifically to help these
little ones. I can personally vouch for David's ministry - and we
ourselves were blessed to be able to sign up as sponsors. -For
these are CHRISTIAN orphans - being raised in a truly Christian
setting. It is my heart-cry that we can see many of the remaining
orphans sponsored - for just $15 per month.

David Kirkwood writes: "The greatest needs are for the day-to-day
costs of taking care of children. Can you imagine trying to take
care of a family with fifty children? Even in a very poor nation like
Myanmar where most people live on less than two dollars a day,
fifty children adds up to a big expense. So we determined that we
would try to find people like you who would sponsor one child
through a gift of $15 per month, something just about any American
or European can afford. Because we keep our administrative costs
low, $15 can actually provide food, clothing, and school fees for
one orphan in Myanmar for one month... Orphanages there are
overseen by dedicated Christians who provide caring Christian nurture."

He also notes: "Although you are sponsoring one child that you
“adopt,” your monthly gift will benefit an entire orphanage so that
sponsored children are not given preferential treatment over
unsponsored children. Please pray with us that every child in every
orphanage will soon be sponsored."

I just want to say here that I cannot recommend 'ORPHAN'S TEAR'
highly enough. What David is doing has my fullest support, and
I long to see these orphans sponsored. The Bible says to help the
orphans and the widows, and this is a very simple way to do it.

If you wish to become a sponsor, please visit the below web-site.
Simply click on the "Become a Sponsor" link on the front page,
and you will see the list of orphanages. You can click on each
orphanage to see photos of the children that need sponsoring.
Please be open to God's leading as to whether He would have
you sponsor one of these little ones.

Here is the link to this 'ORPHAN'S TEAR' web-site-

May God bless you in your giving, my friends.

Kindest regards in Christ,

Andrew Strom.