Quote from Forum Archives on October 10, 2003, 7:10 pmPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
MODERATOR: Below are some responses to last week's
discussion on "Out-of-church" Christians:
From: " three c's"Andrew - I am an "out of church" Christian. Have been for over
5 years now. I understand what you are saying about the
dangers of becoming comfortable out here in the wilderness
and not wanting to leave but tell me.... just what "promised land"
are you inviting me to come into? I don't see the promised land
yet. And I am not going back inside the church system. Now I
know Jesus is building His Church, we just don't see it in
manifestation yet. But we will. And believe me, my husband
and I will run with joy into it! I can't tell you what it will look like
or be like... I just know that it will come into manifestation. I have
a feeling the leadership is going to look alot different than what
we now call the "church". Not a one pastor over a flock thing.
I have a feeling Eph 4:11 is going to be the rule of leadership
with the five fold operating.Thanks for opening up dialog on this. And keep praying for us.
Meantime we do meet weekly with other believers (many of
whom are still in the system) for prayer and Bible study in a
home setting. We just know we cannot bring them out of the
system. We just love them and let God lead them....
From: "jac"You are right, in that many are simply drop-outs for selfish
reasons: but what about those who have no where to "go"
except back to the exact same they left? And what are they
supposed to do there? Make fresh trouble by disagreeing or
disapproving? Cannot this out-of-church(es) crowd seek out
each other, in what way they can, and have Bible reading and
or song-worship in their homes with whom they can?I (or some member of my family) has been to almost every
church-building within 20 miles of here. There is no way that we
are welcome there to do anything but sit and give money. We
have tried to befriend; tried to be quiet and go along - we cannot.
It does not work. There are 8 adults meeting here every Sunday....
********************************************************************From: "Jeff'" <jpolitte@cyber-rover.com>
God sends us into the wilderness for a very specific time and
for a very specific purpose, then He sends us back into the
body of Christ to complete the work He has given us to do.
God sent me into the wilderness for a time myself but that time
is over now. He has since called me to a new church that
believes the way I do and has begun the process of restoring
to me the ministry I had before, as well as to heal my heart of
some past hurts. It feels great to be a part of such a loving
group that does its best to live what they profess. Part of the
ministry I have now is to share those things God revealed to
me during my wilderness experience. One of the things I feel
led to share is how God changed "ME" during that difficult period.This also happened to Elijah following God's victory on Mt.
Carmel (I Ki. 18). Remember that when he fled from the threats
of Jezebel he too headed out into the wilderness for a time, and
God even blessed it. But then God, after showing the man of
God His glory, asked him, "What are you doing here?" ...As
long as Elijah remained on the "backside of the wilderness"
God couldn't use him. That's why the Lord said, "What are you
doing here?" and then "Go back the way you came." In other
words, after God showed him what He intended to show him He
sent him back to his people and back to the work of the ministry.Also remember the wilderness is a place of testing and revelation.
And, as such, it was never intended to be a permanent dwelling
place for God's people. He brought them out to bring them in to
the promised land. And you can never fully partake of those things
that God has in the promise land if you refuse to leave the
wilderness. He also sends you back to share with others those
things He has shown you during your wilderness experience (just
as he did with me). That's why Elijah was told to both anoint
Elisha as a prophet and Jehu as king. Just imagine what would
have happened if he never completed that work.
-Jeff Politte.
From: Cynthia <chilton77422@yahoo.com>Dear Andrew,
I'm one of the out of church Christians and I wanted to tell you
how powerfully this word has ministered to me....I'm forwarding
it to several of my out of church Christian friends because I think
they need to read it to and be aware. I haven't been out of
church but maybe 2 or 3 years and I think it may apply to me in
several areas. I have visited churches and as of recently been
asking the Lord to show me if I'm to go back in. I sometimes
even think a person can get lazy, you know, you don't have to
get up, get dressed and all that, you can just maybe watch it
on TV, the American way. -Cynthia.
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
discussion on "Out-of-church" Christians:
From: " three c's"
Andrew - I am an "out of church" Christian. Have been for over
5 years now. I understand what you are saying about the
dangers of becoming comfortable out here in the wilderness
and not wanting to leave but tell me.... just what "promised land"
are you inviting me to come into? I don't see the promised land
yet. And I am not going back inside the church system. Now I
know Jesus is building His Church, we just don't see it in
manifestation yet. But we will. And believe me, my husband
and I will run with joy into it! I can't tell you what it will look like
or be like... I just know that it will come into manifestation. I have
a feeling the leadership is going to look alot different than what
we now call the "church". Not a one pastor over a flock thing.
I have a feeling Eph 4:11 is going to be the rule of leadership
with the five fold operating.
Thanks for opening up dialog on this. And keep praying for us.
Meantime we do meet weekly with other believers (many of
whom are still in the system) for prayer and Bible study in a
home setting. We just know we cannot bring them out of the
system. We just love them and let God lead them....
From: "jac"
You are right, in that many are simply drop-outs for selfish
reasons: but what about those who have no where to "go"
except back to the exact same they left? And what are they
supposed to do there? Make fresh trouble by disagreeing or
disapproving? Cannot this out-of-church(es) crowd seek out
each other, in what way they can, and have Bible reading and
or song-worship in their homes with whom they can?
I (or some member of my family) has been to almost every
church-building within 20 miles of here. There is no way that we
are welcome there to do anything but sit and give money. We
have tried to befriend; tried to be quiet and go along - we cannot.
It does not work. There are 8 adults meeting here every Sunday....
From: "Jeff'" <jpolitte@cyber-rover.com>
God sends us into the wilderness for a very specific time and
for a very specific purpose, then He sends us back into the
body of Christ to complete the work He has given us to do.
God sent me into the wilderness for a time myself but that time
is over now. He has since called me to a new church that
believes the way I do and has begun the process of restoring
to me the ministry I had before, as well as to heal my heart of
some past hurts. It feels great to be a part of such a loving
group that does its best to live what they profess. Part of the
ministry I have now is to share those things God revealed to
me during my wilderness experience. One of the things I feel
led to share is how God changed "ME" during that difficult period.
This also happened to Elijah following God's victory on Mt.
Carmel (I Ki. 18). Remember that when he fled from the threats
of Jezebel he too headed out into the wilderness for a time, and
God even blessed it. But then God, after showing the man of
God His glory, asked him, "What are you doing here?" ...As
long as Elijah remained on the "backside of the wilderness"
God couldn't use him. That's why the Lord said, "What are you
doing here?" and then "Go back the way you came." In other
words, after God showed him what He intended to show him He
sent him back to his people and back to the work of the ministry.
Also remember the wilderness is a place of testing and revelation.
And, as such, it was never intended to be a permanent dwelling
place for God's people. He brought them out to bring them in to
the promised land. And you can never fully partake of those things
that God has in the promise land if you refuse to leave the
wilderness. He also sends you back to share with others those
things He has shown you during your wilderness experience (just
as he did with me). That's why Elijah was told to both anoint
Elisha as a prophet and Jehu as king. Just imagine what would
have happened if he never completed that work.
-Jeff Politte.
From: Cynthia <chilton77422@yahoo.com>
Dear Andrew,
I'm one of the out of church Christians and I wanted to tell you
how powerfully this word has ministered to me....I'm forwarding
it to several of my out of church Christian friends because I think
they need to read it to and be aware. I haven't been out of
church but maybe 2 or 3 years and I think it may apply to me in
several areas. I have visited churches and as of recently been
asking the Lord to show me if I'm to go back in. I sometimes
even think a person can get lazy, you know, you don't have to
get up, get dressed and all that, you can just maybe watch it
on TV, the American way. -Cynthia.