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Outlook - 2005

Posted by: Asn <Asn@...>

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. Psalm 139:23-24 (NLT)

This devotional is more serious than most; I sincerely believe this message is too important to ignore. I encourage you to go to God with this, not so much for others, but for yourself.

Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr. was a very devout man with a strong prophetic anointing. A prophecy is a message spoken by God through a man to encourage, give direction or warn an individual, a particular church or the Body of Christ. The following excerpt is taken from a prophecy to the Body of Christ spoken on February 18, 2003 - the last prophecy God gave him before taking him to heaven. This portion is a warning.

"What about 2005? Will time last or will it cease? 2005 - Oh my! A year of judgment. Judgment. If we judge ourselves, we'll not be judged. But when we are judged, we're turned over to Satan for the destruction of our flesh so that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

There'll be judgment in the individual realm. There'll be judgment in the family realm. There'll be judgment on the national level. A day of sternness. A day of discipline. A day of correction.

But the end of the year will be glorious. Amends shall be made. Many shall judge themselves. Nations will turn to God. And it'll end in a glorious manner."

What should we do with this information? Don't panic; prepare. Begin now to judge yourself. Examine your life and your heart. Ask God to search you and point out anything in you that offends Him. Then repent and make it right. Time is over for making excuses, for playing church, for playing games with God. Rather, it is a time to persistently, consistently, with conviction and humility, examine and judge ourselves.

Father, You are such a merciful God. Because of Your great love, You send warnings from Your Spirit so that we can examine ourselves and choose whom we will serve. I pray for those who are fearful because of what they've read here and ask You please to restore hope to their hearts. Gracious Father, help each of us to examine our own heart and show us how to live righteously before You. In Jesus' precious name we pray. Amen. (More from this prophecy next week.)