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Pastor Warren's real name? (see Photo)

Posted by: uriahlives <uriahlives@...>

Pastor Warren's real name is "Anthony Hopkins"..............D.C. Griffin

Pastor w

From: "Warren" <WARRENM@NUVOX.NET>
Subject: [PastorMail] That's me
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2002 17:15:28 -0400

I'm not sure Brother Jack will permit this to go through. It doesn't fall within the scope but I thought we read so many of the names but can't put a face to them unless you have a web site or such. So, I thought I'd send the most recent photo of me.

It just happens to have been at a Hallelujah celebration for the blessings of God at our VBS last week. Here it is? I'm the one in the red poncho.

If God brings you to it -
He will bring you through it.
Preacher Jones

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