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Patricia/Once a Month Cooking

Posted by: dabanks <dabanks@...>

I used to love to do once a month cooking. I always chose a day when my
kids could help me out. They loved it during the month too because it was so
easy for them to just heat up dinner for all of us then. Made it easier on
everyone. I haven't done it now in about a year because we are living in
our camper waiting for our house to get built. We used to make a lot of
dishes like stir fry, where we chopped up the veggies and bagged them up
separately from the meat we would use, we made Salisbury steak, hot beef
sandwich fixings (of course store the buns separately), lots and lots of
soups and stews, chicken and dumplings, baked beans, hot dishes, pizzas,
lasagnas, taco/burrito meats, sloppy joes, etc, etc,. It was so much fun on
cooking day all though it would take us all day. We tried to choose a day
it was forecasted to rain and be a little colder. We utilized the crock pot,
the oven, the stove burners, the barbeque grill..anything that we could cook
on that day. One of us would be in charge of all the chopping, one would be
in charge of grill foods, etc,. We would switch off frequently because the
poor soul who got stuck with the chopping job would get sore hands quickly.
I never did buy the Once a Month Cooking book, but there are websites with
ideas. I don't know where they are right now but I can sure look them up for
you. I just kind of made it up myself as I went a long and it went really
How exciting! Adopting a little girl. That is wonderful. I know the Lord is
blessing you greatly with this little child. Take care, Julie 🙂
----- Original Message -----
From: "Patricia" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 7:49 AM
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] WA

> Erin - My friend lives in Federal Way. I think it is near Spokane.
> I remember building our home and trying to get settled in. It was exciting
> and exhausting!
> We just recently went and picked strawberries, which have already been
> into jams, preserves and some frozen. Children really enjoy this.
> Sometimes the simplest things can be great blessings!
> I am looking into once a month cooking for when we go to China around Dec.
> (we are adopting a little girl) I will need to stock up for a couple of
> months. Any suggestions? I'm going to check out the book "Once a Month
> Cooking".
> Boy Debra, it looks like you have developed a pretty nice garden for what
> your working with! We have a little of everything planted. We have
> planted a lot of watermelon and are going to be planting a bunch of
> pumpkins! Which I am excited about.
> Patricia
> Hickory Lodge
> Let the words of my mouth & the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable in Your sight,
> Oh Lord, my strength & my redeemer --Psalm 19:14
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