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Pebbles the baby goatie

Posted by: dabanks <dabanks@...>

Hi, just thought I would give everyone an update. Miss Pebbles is looking pretty good now. We started medicating her and the rest of them for coccidiosis. Of course she still is so bony, but she seems more alert and doesn't lay around as much the last couple days now. I am starting to feel more hope for her. We bleached down the inside of the barn and cleaned up inside and out as best we could. We scraped out most of the dirt area in front of their barn and replaced it with new dirt/sand. We layed big drainage mats inside the barn (it has a dirt floor) and put some bedding on top of that. I put some more delice on them (no sign of any external parasites tho). Also I found my guinea hen. She has been missing the last few weeks sitting on a nest out in the woods. We went searching for her many times and must have walked right past her many times too as she was only about 10 feet into the woods.We scooped her up and all her eggs and put her in a dog crate with the eggs. We heard that the keets simply will not make it (predators and moisture) if they aren't confined. It was a real blessing to find her this weekend too because people are coming over today to start putting in a septic system out here and she was right next to where they will be working. Maybe in a few days we will have baby guinea keets! She has 19 eggs she is sitting on. We want more guineas but not THAT many!! 🙂
Anyways..enough boring everyone to death, but I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. What have you all been up too? Take care and blessings, Julie