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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-Arthur Booth-Clibborn.

An early pioneer of the Pentecostal movement of 100 years ago,
Arthur Booth-Clibborn wrote:-

"Any cheapening of the price of Pentecost would be a disaster of
untold magnitude. The company in the upper room, upon whom
Pentecost fell, had paid for it the highest price. In this they
approached as near as possible to Him who had paid the supreme
price in order to send it.

Do we ever really adequately realize how utterly lost to this world,
how completely despised, rejected and outcast was that company?
Their master and leader had just passed, so to speak, through the
‘hangman’s rope,’ at the hands of the highest civilization of the day.
Their Calvary was complete, and so a complete Pentecost came
to match it. The latter will resemble the former in completeness.

We may, therefore, each of us say to ourselves: As thy cross, so
will thy Pentecost be. God’s way to Pentecost was via Calvary.
Individually it must be so today also. The purity and fullness of the
individual Pentecost must depend upon the completeness of the
individual Calvary. This is an unalterable principle.”

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SOURCE: The book "Azusa Street" by Frank Bartleman (-one
of the most powerful Revival books ever written).