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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>


John Wesley wrote:
“In August following (1739), I had a long conversation with Arvid
Gradin, in Germany. After he had given me an account of his
experience, I desired him to give me, in writing, a definition of
“the full assurance of faith,” which he did in the following words: --

“Repose in the blood of Christ; a firm confidence in God, and
persuasion of his favour; the highest tranquility, serenity, and
peace of mind, with a deliverance from every fleshly desire, and
a cessation of all, even inward sins.”

This was the first account I ever heard from any living man, of
what I had before learned myself from the oracles of God, and
had been praying for (with the little company of my friends), and
expecting, for several years.”

Charles Finney wrote: "I could not feel a sense of guilt or
condemnation by any effort I could make. My sense of guilt was
gone, my sins were gone, and I do not think I felt any more sense
of guilt than if I never had sinned... I felt myself justified by faith,
and, so far as I could see, I was in a state in which I did not sin."

Not long ago we put an article on our website with quotes from
people who had had a similar experience - and then walked in it.
Here are a few of these brief quotes:

MARY BELLE writes:
"If we only lived out from Romans 6, our lives would be revolutionized.
We are not living the "normal Christian life" because we don't believe
that it is obtainable except through struggle and trying to do our best.
Most of the believers in Christ have never walked or lived according
to what the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished on the Cross for us...
We have lived the "sub-normal life" and believed it to be the truth.
The lie of satan must be exposed and the Church of the Living
God come into the complete fullness of who she really is."

TENNEY writes:
"I loved your essay on walking in cleanness. I too experience a
daily walk with the Lord wherein I do not find myself having to
repent all the time. Some things are SETTLED! I was delighted
to hear your story, because I agree, there should be more of this
easy wonderful walk with God."

BRAD writes:
"Years ago after a wonderful meeting with the Lord in prayer one
night my faith was ignited and my wife would say I went from a 1 to
a 10 overnight in my relationship with God. I often shared my faith
with other believers who were constantly contending with my new
faith. One day I was reading thru Romans because of some
contention about the Holy Spirit. I knelt down to talk to God and
He spoke to me and asked me "What do you see?" and I said I
see that I don't have to sin any more, and He said to me "That's
what I wanted you to see". Our Baptism into His death and raised
into His new life should not be contaminated with unbelief or
arguments of "I can't stop sinning, it's too hard". These are lies
that are contrary to the truth. I never knew before that moment
that I was freed from sin through Baptism (Romans ch 6). That
lack of truth in my life was a source of great struggles and self
condemnation for years."

GEORGE writes:
"Dear Andrew, [You wrote:] "Normal" Christianity is this: Walking
before God with a totally clean conscience and a pure heart - as
our 'normal' state before Him. -Utterly clean. No STRIVING or
"TRYING to be good". This is clearly what the New Testament
describes as normal. - Literally walking before God with "no
consciousness of present sin".

"Yes, absolutely. That is what we are doing. And if something
"pops up", we take a good look at it (being "transparent" is our
goal) and deal with it. If there is indeed something there, then
repentance and taking authority over it are the order of the day...
and we keep on walking! Is this preached today? Sadly not."

-The above testimonies are taken from an article on our website
called "HOW to HAVE a PERSONAL REVIVAL". The whole point
of it is to show people exactly HOW they can experience this
state in their lives. If you have a hunger in your heart to live and
walk in this kind of experience, then please read the whole article.
"HOW to HAVE a PERSONAL REVIVAL" is found just below
the Forum on the main page of our website-

God bless you all.

Kindest regards in Christ,

Andrew Strom.