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Planning Ahead

Posted by: bneumann848 <bneumann848@...>

pray you and your family had a wonderfully blessed Christmas!


all have expectations of what a perfect Christmas is, and some people feel disappointed
when it doesn’t come together just as they had hoped. Now that this Christmas
has passed, perhaps it’s time to think about the next one.


don’t tune me out just yet. Here’s what I propose. What (if anything) brought
you stress this Christmas? While some unexpected events can’t be prevented, many of the holiday’s little stressors can be circumvented with a bit of
planning. Hence, the idea of thinking about next year while this year is fresh
in our minds.


Finances can be a major stress factor, and now is the perfect time to plan for next
year. How much did you spend this Christmas – or would like to spend next year?
Divide that number by twelve. Set aside the resulting amount each month
beginning in January and you will have enough to pay for Christmas.

Is there tension between you and another family member? Are there small gestures
you can make over the next year to reach out to them in love?


Is Christmastime lonely or depressing? Plan a gathering for next year, in your
home or at a restaurant, and invite others who are alone at Christmas.


Yearn for the simplicity of giving homemade gifts to family and friends but lament
the lack of time for making them? Complete one gift project each month starting
in January and you’ll have twelve homemade gifts to give at the end of the year.


Management: Purchasing Christmas gifts before Thanksgiving is a major stress
reliever for me due to significantly smaller crowds. That gives me a month to
wrap gifts, decorate and cook. But for all of that to happen, I must ask family
members for their wish lists in October. A calendar appointment reminds me to
do so.


How do we focus more on Jesus next Christmas? By making Him the focus throughout
the year. Let’s make room for Him every day and there will be more room for Him
in our hearts next Christmas.


wishes for an amazing Christmas in 2015!

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