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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

For *Free* or ANY Donation - even just postage money:

2 Sermons on CD:

Andrew Strom writes: There was a turning point in
my preaching about a year ago, when I preached a
message known as 'Thundering in Nashville'. A new
boldness and authority to see people REPENT seemed
to come upon me that day.

Preaching is important to me because I have felt God's
call and longing in my life since I was 17 years old - to
be a true 'Revival' preacher. I used to read about Evan
Roberts - the 27 year old preacher in the Welsh Revival.
I used to read about John Wesley and Charles Finney
and all the others. Some kids want to be astronauts or
firemen, but God placed a longing in me to be a preacher
of repentance - a true 'Revival' preacher. Even through
the darkest years of my "wilderness" journey I always
felt this call from God over my life. "Agonizing prayer"
is one of the keys to this type of ministry, I believe.

But it is only in the last year or two that I have really seen
signs of it coming to pass. There have been several turning
points during that time. Last August God woke me up at
4:00am one morning (-very rare for me) and suddenly
shone light on one of the keys to Wesley's and Finney's
preaching that I had never seen before. In an instant I
saw it and when I began to preach that message I started
to see people repent with tears and confession of sin like
I had not seen before. This year God gave me another
very strong message out of the blue one day - on the "Old
Testament God" which I believe was another turning point.

I have been wanting to put out another 'Sermon' C.D for
awhile. I think now is the right time. As always, this CD
is available for *Free* or for ANY donation (-as long as it
is just enough to cover postage and handling - which is
only $1.65 if you live in the USA). We don't want people
to miss out just through lack of finances. And there is
no 'copyright' - you can make as many copies as you like.

ABOUT the 2 Sermons on the CD:

(1) "PLAYING CHURCH GAMES". This is quite a topical
one, considering what we have been discussing on the
Email List lately. It was preached less than 2 weeks ago
and covers topics such as "Are many churchgoers unsaved?",
"Why are church buildings NOT in the Bible?", "Why is 'Ask
Jesus into your heart' and "Tithing" NOT FOUND in the New
Testament?" But behind all this is a heart-cry to see people
leave all 'pretense' and "church games" behind and seek after
the depths of God.

(2) "The OLD TESTAMENT GOD". This is one of the most
"thundering" messages that I have preached over the last
year. -Is God still a God of justice and judgement, a God of
vengeance and war, a God of righteousness and holiness
like we see in the Old Testament? What is the true
character of Jesus? Who is this God who will be judging us?
-One of the strongest messages I have ever preached
without a doubt. (Preached less that 2 months ago).

HOW to get this CD:

As I said, you can have the CD with these 2 sermons for
*Free* or ANY donation - even just enough to cover the
postage and handling. (-Which is only $1.65 if you
live in America). -By the way, if you live in New Zealand
or Australia I am afraid to say it is at least NZ$6.50 -
there is really nothing I can do.

Here is all you need to do:

Firstly, REPLY TO THIS EMAIL so that we know how
many people want this CD.
Secondly, SEND YOUR DONATION (-either a check
or money-order or whatever) to the following address:

Andrew Strom,
PO Box 9852,
Kansas City,
MO 64134,

-And we will get the CD off to you ASAP.

I look forward to hearing back from you if you want this
CD, my friends.

God bless you all!

Kindest regards in Christ,

Andrew Strom.