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please explain desires of the heart

Posted by: foothillranch <foothillranch@...>

I am confused about desires of the heart. I have felt
almost a desperate need to get out of the metropolitan area that my family lives
in. (the events of sept. 11, have made this worse) The air pollution, noise
pollution and crime are bad. I have no ties to this place, (no family),
but DH does, and doesn't want to leave at this time. We are very lucky to
have a small acreage and livestock, and have close to the lifestyle we want
where we are. I feel so guilty and ungrateful for wanting to get out of

I was told that the emptyness and longing that I feel is
actually the desire that God put there to know him better and it is
misdirected. (I am a new, 2 yrs Christian)

Any advise would be very welcome.

