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Please PRAY??

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

From: Andrew Strom (-Moderator).

Dear friends,

As you know, our 'John the Baptist' Conference begins this
Friday night and runs for 3 days. My wife Jacqui, who is
scheduled to lead worship during several sessions, is sick
with a very bad case of Flu and others in the family are unwell
also. I guess you could pass this off as "normal", etc, but we
always find that in the lead-up to anything like this, the enemy
tries to get in and spoil things any way he can. Sickness
is just one of them.

Please pray for all the participants and speakers, as well as
our families at this time, my friends? And most importantly,
please pray that God will send His holy presence and truly
glorify Himself in our midst. Pray for a great anointing and flow
of the Holy Spirit upon each speaker. Honestly, we can truly
feel it when people are praying. And we long to see God
glorified in these meetings.

As you know, the speakers at this Conference are:
David Kirkwood, Lawrence Banda, Andrew Strom, Doug
Perry, James Smith and others.

Thankyou so much for your prayers. I'm sure the last thing that
the devil wants is more 'Repentance' preaching! So it is no
surprise if he tries to attack what is going on here.

It looks like there is going to be a good turn-out at this Conference.
And it is wonderful to know that people are praying.

God bless you all.

Kindest regards in Christ,

Andrew Strom.