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please pray for 3 yr old son/finances/my garden

Posted by: dgarnera <dgarnera@...>

laides, I have been quiet lately, busy really. Thurdsday we were coming out of the grocerie store and getting into the car, Samuel my 3 yr old (today) was
climbing into the front seat and I was getting Aaron into the backseat, Samuels hand was in the frame and I pushed the door open more and it smashed his
little finger, more than smashed it, it cut it lengthwise and width wise and tore off the nail. Ended up at the hospital, dad had to drop us off so he could
take home the groceries. Please pray for full healing.
Also please pray that God would provide the money to pay for this hospital visit as we have no insurance.
Well we have chosen a garden spot, it is about 50" by 30". We need to weed eat and till it. Then we can start planting.